Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wet Fall Day

Warm fall days coming to an end. It has been a great fall. Today began a new weather system lots of rain and heavy winds to come. We can be thankful in this country that our weather is not as devastating as in some places in the world. Such as today a huge volcano erupting in Indonesia. Our hearts go out to the people there that they may all be safe. Keep positive and know every day begins a new period in your life and that there are always many new possibilities coming along.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog 12 Visiting an old sculpture "The Field Walker"

This weekend I visited a sculpture I made in the 90's. It is nessled in a lovely valley in the tiny town of St. Lupicin, home to about 4 or 5 houses a Craft Gallery run by a lovely woman named Anne- Marie. She sells pottery, soaps, jewellery, china and her home is also a bed and breakfast. There is also a church. The woman whom I gave the sculpture to has since moved but the sculpture is strong and home to a lovely birds nest in the head. St.Lupicin is a half hour drive from Rosile and an hour from Carmen, in south western Manitoba. A great drive and very friendly people.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog 11 The Rock

A rock is a symbol of something that is strong and steadfast. Something that only changes with the elements surrounding it and weathering it. We find that our soul can be this steadfast rock that holds us together despite the changes of humanity that surrounds us in this life and the lives that proceeded us. Many of us don't feel the past that we cannot really see. We are only really meant to see that which we know or can understand and I can see this too, but on having looked into many past lives of many people. I can only beleive that we are molded by these lives we mostly cannot see. Having been given this gift from the universe I rejoice in this knowledge and would love to share it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog # 10 New Week

Walking by the river I met this crow and this squirrel and this lovely fort that someone had built. I don't know when as I hadn't walked this path for a long time. It reminded me of such forts that I have built by the river and also forts that my art students used to build. People build forts to feel comfort and enclosure. Especially the beauty of the river flowing by the fort built with fallen branches from the greaet trees in the area. The enclosures are also very ancient looking and ritualistic. One can conjure many things from the fort. Please also stay in tune with nature and realize how long nature has sat near us and seen so many things in the midst of a world of constant upheaval. To view the growth of nature and to mix it with our spiritual growth can give us time to reflect on the mystery that surrounds both of them. Have a great week and always stay tuned to your inner self and only try to have amazing thoughts that will bring you closer to the time of enlightenment.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog 9 Thanksgiving Weekend

Seize the moment, I know an old cliche but an interesting way to view the whole concept of Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What a lot of things have brought us to this moment. Realizing this it gives us a new lease on life to look forward to many more gorgeous sunsets. To meet many more interesting people. To share the love of your family and the happy faces of our grandchildren as they learn to exist and make their mark in this universe filled with such grandeur and explosive thoughts that can create the world of tomorrow.
Don't dwell on things that hold you down or make you feel less than who you are. We are all created equal in this universe. We take with us what we decide and we are shaped by all around us. Our cells within our body are mere universes in themselves and every bit of dry skin that falls from our bodies becomes part of the ever expressive universe and our body creates more and on and on. As a young child I used to dwell on this thought as I sat on the riverbank in the back of our house listening to the water flow by  that I was a small but important part of the whole and I was connected to all that was out there deep in the cosmos. I know wierd stuff for a very young child but it has always stayed with me. And I continue to look to these large thoughts deep in the cosmos and I continue to know many who came before us in our past lives but I take these experiencees as gifts and use them to aid in the future taking me back to "Seize the moment." It is a beautiful day so go out and live it

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog 8 Positive Trends

There are many paths that we have the chance to follow throughout our lifetime. Sometimes we may feel we have taken the wrong path but really we are taking a trip that gives us many invaluable lessons. We don't always see the merit to this. When we do take a path that we understand and feel close to it is an amazing time to be alive on this planet earth. Just think back to all the amazing people you have met along these paths. Try to remember all the things you learned from these people and how uplifting they made you felt by them being your friend for a short period of time. I have met such people as these that I can never forget. I ask them in my heart to send peace and prosperty and good health throughout the universe. I ask them to be by my side if only their subconscious to guide me on the right path. Have an amazing day. Kathleen