Friday, February 11, 2011

On the freedom of Egypt

It brings tears to my eyes to witness the people in Cairo today as their corrupt leader left. The sounds of victory are indeed an amazing thing to hear. I am so proud that there are so many people that will lay down their lives for their country and indeed be there to witness the new days ahead for themselves, their families and for the world. God Bless the people of Egypt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We've been feeding this cute rabbit all winter and since he or she was tiny. Over the last few weeks of too much snow and cold the poor animals and birds have been suffering. I haven't seen many deer in my yard for a while. It was a releif to go outside today and feel the warm weather which I am sure is a releif for many homeless people living  in our not so fair city. I can't imagine anyone being able to live in the sub zero conditions we live in outside. We can't take for granted how lucky we are to be warm and dry in this changing climate.