I have been feeding these woodpeckers and various other birds for quite a few years. It is great to watch them all day. Lately we have been putting out carrots and apple peels for the many deer that pass through our yard every night. Sometimes as many as five at a time. They are very timid and run if they see us watching them. A few days ago I looked up while watching a movie and saw a deer right in the front yard about three feet from our living room window. She was holding up her right leg as if it were broken. She saw us looking at her and she stared us for a few minutes and than she ran on three legs and jumped the fence by our yard. Last night before we went to bed another deer was outside our bedroom window looking for carrots. She began to walk and we noticed her limp. This poor deer had lost half of her back leg and could hardly walk. She lingered for quite a while eating what she could find. She than stumbled away down the driveway and down the street quite slowly but on her way to find more food. Tonight I shall put out some oats and peanut butter mixture for whoever shows up tonight. It broke our hearts to see her limp away in the cold wintery night. Nature can be very cruel to wild animals that have to make there way in the urban world. But at least she may be free from wild dogs and wolves attacking. I pray she may continue on for another night.
Such a heart sick story. We are so helpless in these situations. Please keep doing what you are doing. The deer must be so grateful.