Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rainbow Woman

This is Rainbow Woman the person most people see in my face when I do a past life reading. She has been with me for a very long time but usually is seen by other people. I am going to talk to her today on the blog and ask her if she enables me to connect with peoples past lives and how she does this.

Hellow I am Rainbow woman. I lived on the plains of North America in the 1700's. I have been with Kathleen though for many years as I am one of her past lives. I help in this lifetime as there is much negative energy in the world with electronics and evil people that come in the way and I try to help send positive energy to those people that have a past life reading. Although Kathleen has had this gift for many centuries it is positive to enable the strength of many souls to talk to people of the past. 

Please feel free to ask me questions about your past or contact me for a past life reading at or  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

People from long ago.

I have spoken to many people far into the past. As I do a reading the person with me can ask questions to the people of there past and can learn many things that they were involved in and things that they can learn from in this lifetime. Lessons sometimes and sometimes it can help you to overcome phobias or fears that you have brought to this lifetime. I am going to do a series of writings asking specific questions to people in my my past. If you would like to post a questions feel free and I will talk to them. Get in touch for a reading at

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Amandes from Pompei

This is Amandes and he is the first person I spoke to through Automatic writing back when I was 17 years old. He first spoke to me in an ancient language from the region of Pompeii and Rome around 0 AD. He died in the volcanoe eruption of Vesuvius. I had been meditating when a bright light came through a wall in my livingroom. It summoned me to a table where there was paper and pen and I began to write. It of course was very frightening but I was enthralled. I asked if he could speak to me in my language and he did. He said he was my father back in these ancient times and that he was a scholar and worked in a library. It took me a while to understand what was happening. I soon began talking to other people from the past summoning them  from the seventh heavens. I asked many questions about evolution and life. I tried to deny the gift I had been given, but I got rashes on my hands and felt ill. Over the years I spoke to several souls and was given missions to do on the earth. They spoke of spaceships and computers with information of all of our lives mapped out in the universe. Right now I am doing past life readings to people who want to find out about their past. I feel it is important to see where we came fromand who we were.
to find out about your past lives.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More on Past Life Reading

This is someone from my far past. It is sometimes great to be able to draw people from your own past. I should be happy that I can do this but it also comes with many other responsibilities. To tune into the past or to live in the now knowing the incredible things that happened in my past gives you an inkling of the reasons why we act as we do in this life and why we follow a certain path. My path was laid out at an early age, but I tried to hide it away because I felt I wasn't normal when I should have been embracing the gift and sharing it with the world. I took a long time to understand how to share it. I had help along the way not only from talking to my past lives but from people who saw what I had as a gift. I want to thank all of you who had the insight to help me with this. Even if it may seem scarry to visit the far away recesses of our souls, believe me it is your incredible journey and a privilige to go on. Let me take you on a journey of your sacred path. Some of it will surprise you but most of it is very familiar.
Contact me for a reading

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year 2012

Automatic W/C Painting

This new year is upon us. This picture reminds me of the past, 2000 years past in Rome. How did a new year feel to these people.Were they any different than us. Seeking to self help and create peace in the world. Stop world hunger. Stop predjudice. Making things more on an even plane for everyone. What is really different as we go on. Let us make it our goal to only start great things this year and spread peace and harmony throughout the world for us, our chidren and grandchildren and thank our ancestors or our past life souls for all the amazing things they have created.
Past life readings at

Monday, January 16, 2012

Past Live Readings

My Reading Room

With the start of the new year I have been doing a lot of past life readings. Out of the blue many people have been contacting me to have their past lives read. Maybe it has to do with the new year 2012 and the way people are searching into their lives to be better people happier and healthier and in some way. Their readings help to let them see what  they were put on this earth to accomplish this time.

The reading begins with a meditation where I look into your face and see some of your past lives. The ones wanting to reveal themselves this day. This meditation lasts about 10 minutes. Often the person being read is also seeing faces in my face and light. I than discuss what I have seen and who would like to talk to us and let the person having the reading decide who they would like to talk to further through automatic writing. Many questions are asked and secrets from the past are revealed. It helps the person having the reading to see which directiion their life should take.

How often have you met someone you know you knew before or visited a country you know you have visited before. Most people having a past life reading make these connections when they see their past. Many phobias are also revealed and worked out.

If this interests you contact me at for an appointment and to find out the cost. The reading takes about an hour or longer and you go away with automatic writing and paintings of your past lives.

Thanks Kathleen